CEO Blog August 2023

“Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself less.” Ken Blanchard, Author Situational Leadership

As a business leader in a space dominated by social media; it’s easy to find yourself worrying about  pressure to build your ‘personal brand’ and ability to progress your network and career successes and accolades. There are a giddying number of opportunities to ‘be seen’ with the right people in the right places in the relentless pursuit of personal success. But of course, it’s not about you; it’s about the impact of the work you have the privilege to lead on that really matters.

Traditional top-down leadership structures are all about ‘hero leadership’ and miss the point that being humble and involving others in creative solutions allows for a much richer offer. I am lucky to lead a team of incredible, creative and dedicated people who are the real heroes; dealing with the difficult jobs every day with patience and pride. By replacing ‘hero leadership’ with ‘humble leadership’ we are able to shine a light on others in a much more meaningful way and builds capacity and resilience in your team.

Being humble may not win you many ‘likes’ and certainly won’t get you into any VIP/exclusive events or Christmas card lists; but it will mean that you remain focussed on driving purpose rather than popularity and hopefully your team will thank you for it.

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Angie Novell CEO MK SNAP